This is Dystopia's official annual top horror movie released since last Halloween! last year's winner was 'crisis', a movie following the events of coronavirus in an alternate universe where things did not turn out as good as they did here. As always, let us know if you agree or disagree and tell us your own favourites!
Our favourite
the story of tara
'The story of tara' directed by tara keelathousu was released on 03/01/22 and was an indie movie based on taras own haunted experience, it reportedly had a budget of 30,000 pounds and brought in 212,000 pounds at the box office over the last year! the fact this movie is based on true events of her brother being possessed makes it even scarier to us, as we can only imagine hanutings like this happening to us. On top of this, the movie was shot in her real childhood home, which is where the actual hauntings took place, leaving many people on set claiming to see shadows run past them; sending chills down their spine. Having tara, the main protagonist, be a child in the movie also plays on the viewers emotion as we see her innocence in such a desperate situation, rooting for her all the way. we just wish this movie was able to have a larger budget allowing for some more
cinematic shots, but being an indie movie we know it would have been a struggle to find
the funds. However, now that keelathousu is making a name for herself, we're sure her
next movie will have a much larger budget and blow the story of tara' out of the water!
the actor playing keelathousu's brother looking possessed with his iconic dead pan face and red eyes!
written by the dystopia team